25th anniversary, Ragnar Skanåker

The Friendly Competition

In my mind I call your competition ” The Friendly Competition.Not InterShoot.

There are several reason for that.

First of all the nice welcome with the major of den Haag arriving day and then all competitions in a very friendly atmosphere and on top of that a closing banquet where shooters from 30- 40 countries can chat together.
I remember my first InterShoot  specially.

I stayed in a hotel build together with a church. As usual I was up in good time to get ready for the comp. On my way out of the hotel I was forced to pass the entrance of the church and I heard voices coming from above.
I had to chech.
The gest speaker talked about  South Africa and the problems in Africa in general and what we in Europé could do.

It was so fashinating so I forget the Competition in  Zoetermeer.
I take an taxi to the comp and thanks to friendly management I could make a late start.

I did not get an extra time but I WAS SO HAPPY JUST TO BE ALLOWED to take part so I set a new Swedish record with 578 p.
To day I have the record with 591 p but that is another story.

I plan to go to den Haag next year, compete and remind my mind about good old days.

Ragnar Skanåker. Have a good time,