(25 Very Successful and Happy Competitions)

There was one particular incident that others may recall especially ROBIN MacDonald. It was when we used to shoot at the other Range down near the open market, in the sports hall with the Tropical Plant building (de Houtzagerij).
A rather beautiful red headed lady shooter from, Belgium I believe, had the miss fortune to shoot out one of the target bulbs, much to the others shooters delight and to her embarrassment. However "STEK" quickly had it replaced. The next day another bulb was shot out, but this time it was our very own Robin Macdonald who achieved this error. Again to every ones clapping and cheering.
At the Prize giving "Stek" Geerts announced that Robin MacDonald, being the perfect Gentleman that he was, had deliberately shot out the bulb so that the Lady would not be embarrassed on her own. This brought considerable amusement to the proceedings, particularly to the other members of the B.P.C.
My other experiences do not relate to InterShoot itself, except perhaps when we used to attend to a reception by the Mayor at the Town Hall and on one occasion we were invited to the VREDESPALEIS I believe. This was a particularly pleasant experience.
I have spoken to others who have attended InterShoot on occasions, but no one can think of anything that would be of interest to others. In fact some would not be printable!!!!!
In closing, I would say that probably the most happy experiences that I have had is the very kind and helpful attention and when needed assistance from you and all the helpers both on the range and at the reception and checking in. You all have made each InterShoot a success, and I think someone in whatever brochure should in some way express this that you will be producing. I would be pleased to contribute to this, as I am sure, would Robin and Jim Harrison.
Yours sincerely,
George Smith (BPC)